From open savannah to verdant rain forest, and from dense papyrus swamps and crater lakes to the vastness of Lake Edward, it is little wonder Queen Elizabeth National Park boasts one of the highest biodiversity rates of any game park in Africa. Ishasha, the remote southern section of the park, is famous for its tree climbing lions.

Tips about what to do and where to stay on your self drive safari in Queen Elizabeth

It is well recommended to spend 2 to 3 nights at Queen Elizabeth to see the full array of the park.

Boat launch trips on the Kazinga Channel offer great game viewing, as do game drives around Mweya and the Northern Circuit. Further southwest, the remote Ishasha plains are famous for their tree-climbing lions, the Kyambura Gorge harbors habituated chimps, the Maramamgambo Forest is home to many forest monkeys, and flamingos abound in the dozens of crater lakes.

The park is strategically placed between Kibale Forest in the north and Bwindi National Park to the southwest. What are the best Ugandan lodges in Queen Elizabeth? There are many nice places to stay in Queen Elisabeth National Park, ranging from basic camp sites to the upmarket Elephant Plains Lodge or Mweya Safari Lodge. Uganda’s favourite spots are the UWA public campsite on Mweya Peninsula, Enjojo lodge in the Ishasha sector and the Bush lodge close to Kyambura Gorge. To get an overview of the best places to stay in Uganda and Queen Elisabeth, get inc touch with our safari experts on +256701367970 or email